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river guide jeff 04-30-2017 4:42:40 PM CST  River Report -- April 30 -- An unusual day guiding for river smallies today. Things started off rockin', with a bunch of bass in the 15 to 19 inch range, including several doubles. Then around 930 am a thick hatch of caddis flies appeared over the water. No evidence of bass taking the bugs off the top, but apparently they where feasting on the emerging pupa subsurface, as things really slowed down after that. Bumped into a friend that fishes the river extensively, and he noted that the caddis have been coming off the past three mornings, and when they do the bass fishing (or catching, at least) is pretty much over for the day. All of our fish today on Winco River Darters and Rapala Husky Jerks. Water a bit high, stained, and 57 degrees.
river guide jeff 04-29-2017 12:17:10 PM CST  Fishing Report -- April 29 A productive 4-hour AM largemouth trip on Kahle. No big ones, but lots and lots of action. A great place (and time of year) to introduce a youngster to largemouth tactics. Water temp 63 degrees and clear. Everything on Winco's Wacky Worms and Winco's River Darter.
r 04-28-2017 4:18:02 PM CST  Since the Allegheny was blown out for several days, my friend Tom F. and I fished the lower end of the Kiski River, a river section I'm considering adding to my guide waters. A productive outing, with several smallmouth, walleyes and this nice white bass. Combined with the results from "scouting" trips last summer, the lower Kiski is showing promise, especially for evening trips for folks coming up from the Pgh area.
River Guide Jeff 04-28-2017 4:13:22 PM CST Thanks to the Pittsburgh Sportsman's Luncheon Club for inviting me to speak at their meeting this afternoon! A great bunch of guys at their noon-time gathering, hearing me talk about one of my favorite subjects: Allegheny River smallmouth bass and walleye fishing. This group was formed in the 1930s by Johnny Mock, outdoors editor of the Pittsburgh Press. The meeting venue was a gas too...the Harvard-Princeton-Yale Club in downtown Pgh. Thanks again, folks! Now it's time to get back on the water. Several trips lined up in the next couple weeks, but openings still available. And the river is back in good shape...hopefully for a while this time. Prime time for pre-spawn river smallmouth!
river guide jeff 04-22-2017 9:37:04 AM CST  River Report -- April 21 Recent sessions on the middle Allegheny have been good, that is when conditions have been good. Frustratingly, that hasn't been too often. We managed a few nice smallies up to 19.5 inches, and a nice 30-inch pike, while the river rapidly rose and discolored from heavy recent rain. By afternoon the bite was shut down. Looks like it'll be a few days before decent conditions return. Today's fish on tubes, Terminator spinnerbaits and BPS Speed Shad swimbaits.
river guide jeff 04-19-2017 2:15:07 PM CST  Fishing Update -- April 19 The hot pre-spawn river smallmouth bite continues on the middle Allegheny. We're getting lots of quality-sized smallmouth bass in the 14 to 20 inch range. Most of them on hard and soft jerkbaits. Some on tubes. The river is great shape, at least presently. If you're considering a spring smallmouth bass outing, the next two to three weeks should be prime. The schedule is full for the next few days, but opens up Thursday, April 27. This Sunday, April 23, is also available. A scouting trip to Keystone Lake was productive earlier this week. Most of the fish still out in deeper water. Bass should be moving shallower there soon. The daytime walleye bite on Pymatuning is slowly picking up. I'll offer trips there as soon as the daytime bite is consistent.
river guide jeff 04-15-2017 7:06:20 PM CST  Fishing Report, April 15 Good day on the river. Lots of quality smallmouth bass from 14 to 19 inches. Most of them on Rapala Husky Jerks. Some on Winco's River Darter. Water temp 51 degrees, a bit high, and clear.
river guide jeff 04-14-2017 5:30:57 PM CST  The Allegheny is back in nice shape. Lots of flow, but great color. And the jerkbait bite is back on! Smallies from 14 to 20 inches during this afternoon's outing. Most of them on a Rapala Husky Jerk. Water temperature 50 to 51 degrees. If conditions remain good, the next month to six weeks should provide good opportunities for quality-sized river smallies as we move into the pre-spawn period. Plenty of openings, so if you're interested in a trip give me a shout. Pymatuning (walleye) Keystone Lake and Kahle Lake (bass) should also be turning on soon.
River Guide Jeff 04-10-2017 7:31:24 PM CST Fishing Update -- Heavy rain in late March put the river smallmouth fishing on hold. Hopefully the Allegheny will be in fishable shape by late week. Kahle largemouths are starting to turn on. Water temperature was around 50 when I was there last Sunday afternoon, and I'm sure it's warmed up since then with the hot weather. The same goes for Pymatuning. Walleye action had been slow in getting going with the up and down weather. But with things starting to stabilize the fish should soon be in the shallows spawning. My first trip up there will be in a couple days.
River Guide Jeff 04-03-2017 5:42:21 AM CST  EARLY SPRING 2017 UPDATE --We're already catching middle Allegheny River smallmouth bass during scouting trips and a couple "early bird" guide trips. Trips launch out of East Brady, Parker/Foxburg and Kennerdell. Ones out of Oil City and President can also be arranged. The schedule opens up the week of April 10, so if you're looking to get in on early spring action, which typically means some big smallies, get in touch.
This year I'll also be offering trips on the lower Allegheny River, that is within the navigational pools between East Brady and Sharpsburg. Depending on the time of year, the lower river offers good walleye, smallmouth and musky fishing opportunities. The proximity of this section of the river to the Pittsburgh area makes it ideal for late afternoon/evening trips after work. Outings on the lower Allegheny become available in early May.
I'll also be offering walleye trips to Pymatuning this year. Pymatuning 'eyes respond to a variety of drifting, casting and trolling tactics, all of which I am familiar. Guests will learn the tactics appropriate for the conditions of the day, and hopefully have some 'eyes for the ice chest.
Kahle Lake and Keystone Lake bass trips will again be part of the program. As many of you have experienced, Kahle holds a high density of largemouth bass, and provides plenty of action in the spring and early summer. Split trips that target both Kahle and the middle Allegheny are popular, and will be on the slate again this year. Keystone Lake is a tougher lake, but holds quality-sized largemouth and smallmouth bass. Late April and May is a good time for a Keystone trip as the fish are shallow. Summer/fall trips focus on cover and structure tactics in deeper areas.
River Guide Jeff 04-02-2017 5:14:12 PM CST  River Report -- March 31 A productive half-day guide trip for smallies. We fished in a light but constant rain the entire trip. But my clients worked hard despite the rain and colder air temps, and boated a nice bunch of smallmouth up to 18 inches. All of them on 2.75 inch finesse tubes. Water temp was 48, with the river on the rise from heavy rainfall overnight. It'll be blown out for awhile...hopefully not too long. I'll be scouting Kahle (for largemouth) and Pymatuning (for walleyes) and will be offering trips there very soon.
River Guide Jeff 03-29-2017 7:20:52 PM CST  River Update -- March 29 The smallmouth bite continues to improve. A good afternoon today. A bunch of smallies up to 20 inches. All but one on suspending jerkbaits. River below average for this time of year, 50 degrees and clear.
River Guide Jeff 03-23-2017 4:16:18 PM CST  River Report -- March 23 FINALLY back on the water after the temporary return of winter-weather. Smallies are starting to turn on. We boated bass up to 18 inches this afternoon on finesse tubes. With the forecast of warm weather in the next few days things could really turn on. If you're looking to jump start the season, this could be a great opportunity for quality-sized smallies.
River Guide Jeff 02-25-2017 2:18:52 PM CST  ALLEGHENY RIVER SEMINAR -- I'll be doing a seminar on Allegheny River fishing for the Worthington Outdoor Expo on Sunday March 5 at 11:00 am. It's in the Worthington Civic Center (the old high school), on Main Street. Worthington is on Route 422 between Kittanning and Butler.
River Guide Jeff 02-24-2017 6:52:56 PM CST  River Report -- February 24 Nice walleyes and smallies during a recon trip today. 'Eyes up to 21 inches; smallies up to 19 inches. Jig-n-minnow, soft swimbaits and hard jerkbaits. Water temp around 43 degrees, river up a bit, but good color.
River Guide Jeff 02-23-2017 5:40:21 PM CST Update -- Walleye time! Catching lots of walleyes on the lower Allegheny. On the middle Allegheny fewer walleyes, but a much better average size. About three weeks left in the season, and some of the best conditions in years.
River Guide Jeff 02-20-2017 9:36:53 PM CST Fishing Update -- Feb 20 A good day on Allegheny River walleyes yesterday. And managed a couple lmb on Keystone Lake today. With more warm weather in the forecast it looks like a great chance for river walleyes and smallmouth.
River Guide Jeff 02-12-2017 7:55:48 PM CST  Fishing Update -- After only a few days of good level the Allegheny rose back up from rain. My buddy Dave and I hit a NW PA trout stream and had a good day taking several nice wild trout.
River Guide Jeff 02-07-2017 7:53:59 AM CST  Fishing Report -- Feb 6 A nice day of walleye fishing on the middle Allegheny. We boated a half-dozen walleyes from 17 to 21 inches. Lost and missed a few others. Also a decent northern pike. Water temperature 34-35 degrees and a nice green color. Very little shoreline ice.
River Guide Jeff 01-27-2017 1:30:12 PM CST Pre-season update -- January 27
I’m looking forward to an exciting 2017 season, the first as a FULL-TIME GUIDE SERVICE. Full-time status will provide some added fishing options and services.
This will be the second year we’ll be fishing out of the custom Rockproof River Rocket. I’m extremely pleased with the added safety and comfort the boat provided last season. When summer’s low water arrived, it enabled us to get back in some skinny spots that would not have been an option in prior boats…added fish on many occasions!
For the first time in several years there will be a modest rate increase -- $325 for a full day (from $300); and $225 for a half day (from $200). The bump is needed to offset added fuel/oil costs of the larger boat/engine. However, you can beat this increase if you get a trip(s) booked by the end of February. More details below.
2017 guests will also have the use of new St. Croix rods and new Shimano and Pflueger reels, ones loaded with high quality Gamma lines.
Last season I ran many productive trips out of Kennerdell, so this will now be a regular put-in for guide trips. Launching out of East Brady, Parker/Foxburg and Kennerdell opens over 50 miles of the middle Allegheny. This provides a lot of options based on time of year and client preference.
In addition to the Allegheny, I’ll again be running trips on Kahle Lake (Kahle/Allegheny split trips are popular) and Armstrong County’s Keystone Lake. If Pymatuning Lake’s walleye bite is a good one this year, I’ll also offer outings there. Regularly visit the Keystone Connection website and Facebook page for updates on fishing activity, as additional guide trip options will likely be available as the season unfolds.
I’ll honor 2016’s rate schedule for all trips arranged prior to March 1, 2017. No, this doesn’t mean the trip must be taken by March 1, just that it’s on the books. This applies to Gift Certificates too, so if you’re not sure when you’d like to fish, you can beat the rate hike by purchasing a Gift Certificate(s) now, and arrange your trip later.
Thanks to everyone that’s fished with me in the past. I’m looking forward to see you again this year!
River Guide Jeff 01-27-2017 10:18:30 AM CST  Winter Update -- Jan. 27 During early winter we scored well on Allegheny River walleyes. January brought some ice, then high water. As of late January it looks like the river will soon be in fishable shape. While the high water has kept us off the river, we've made good use of the flows and mild weather to enjoy some good mid-winter fishing for wild trout.
River Guide Jeff 12-11-2016 6:58:26 PM CST River Update -- The recent cold snap that's brought cold and snow has dropped the water temperature to the mid-30s. It's a walleye bite now. We've been targeting 'eyes the last two weeks, catching good numbers.
River Guide Jeff 11-28-2016 7:00:21 PM CST  River Report -- Nov 28 Still getting big smallies on the middle Allegheny. A dozen today up to 19 inches. Tubes, hair jigs, soft swimbaits and spinnerbaits. Water temp 41 degrees.
River Guide Jeff 11-26-2016 11:47:34 AM CST River Report -- We had a nice day-after-Thanksgiving walleye trip on the lower Allegheny, a typical one for that section of river. Good action throughout the day; fast fishing during the evening twilight bite; and a few keepers for folks to take home. We ended up with 30 to 40 walleyes, mostly sub-legal, but three in the 16 to 18 inch range. We also had a nice musky eat a yellow perch that a guest caught on a jig-and-minnow, an exciting event, as it took place near the surface, about 15 feet from the boat. As long as the river doesn't freeze I'll be running four to six-hour trips during the late part of the day, finishing up at dark. If good numbers of biting walleyes, and the chance for some keepers or trophy sized walleyes interest you, get in contact to discuss a trip. Outings can be arranged on a last minute basis, this time of year, perfect when windows of mild weather happen. Also, until the launch ramps freeze or become snow-covered, the middle Allegheny is still an option.
River Guide Jeff 11-22-2016 7:37:54 PM CST  Fishing Update -- The past several trips have produced good numbers of smallies, as well as numerous quality sized walleyes. Most of the fish have come on BPS Speed Shad swimbaits and Jimmy D's Riverbug hair jigs. The recent snap of winter like weather will likely slow down the bass bite. We're catching numbers of walleyes from the lower Allegheny. Starting Thanksgiving weekend I'll be running six-hour river trips aimed at walleyes. Have a great holiday, everyone!